Salmonella Vaccine Improves Broiler Performance

US - Global Green, Inc. has announced that continuing internal field trial studies show that the use of Salmogenics, the Company's patented Salmonella Vaccine, may increase the performance of broilers, resulting in a healthier protein source and leading to increased profit for the poultry grower.
calendar icon 20 December 2012
clock icon 4 minute read

Comparing the experimental or vaccinated broilers over the controls, the studies indicated:

  • Improved broiler performance included an average of a .126 pound weight gain, with each bird weighing an average of 5.73 pounds
  • Feed conversion improvement of 0.039 per cent
  • Mean mortality dropped to 1.406 per cent as compared to the 3.281 per cent, representing a 57 per cent improvement

"As we were preparing for our 2012 World Animal Health Congress presentation, we reviewed all of our data, including a 1996 internal study by our Chief Scientist, Konky Sotomayor, DVM. We decided to disclose previously unannounced benefits of Salmogenics," stated Dr Mehran Ghazvini, Chairman and CEO.

Research shows that while Salmogenics can reduce the levels of fecal Salmonella when injected in-ovo (in the egg) in broilers, it also suggests that performance may have improved to levels of statistical value in these chickens.

The 1996 49-day trial study was conducted on 5,120 Ross chickens injected in-ovo at 17 days of embryonic stage and kept in raised wire pens of 5 &times 10 feet at a 0.82 square feet per bird density. The studies indicate improved broiler performance compared to controls when broilers are reared in relatively clean, non-stress conditions settings of battery cages, enough to warrant further research to sustain performance claims, with a feed conversion rate of .039 per cent. Further studies will be conducted to determine the levels of enhancement that Salmogenics could produce in injected broilers.

If you assume that all of the 40 billion broiler chickens in the world are injected with Salmogenics, then the following benefits can be calculated.


Poultry production is projected to rise the most among the meats over the next decade, as poultry is the most efficient feed-to-meat converter. Demand for poultry also remains strong because of its lower cost relative to beef and pork. Improved broiler performance indicates an average of a .126 pounds weight gain, with each bird weighing an average of 5.73 pounds at the end of 49 days.

Citing USDA composite prices based on whole carcass weight, the National Chicken Council reported earlier that, price per pound, from 2002 to 2012:

  • Wholesale prices have increased from 53 cents to 93 cents
  • Retail prices have increased from $1.07 to $1.33

The .126 pound weight gain per bird, as reported in the study, would have an increased yield to the poultry industry and to the consumer. (.126 pounds x 40 billion estimated chickens worldwide = 5,040,000,000 pounds x 93 cents per pound = $4,687,200,000 additional revenue to the poultry industry worldwide, or $1,171,800,000 in the US alone.)


The study indicates mortality rate dropping from 3.281 per cent to 1.406 per cent with the use of Salmogenics, a 57 per cent improvement.

If Salmogenics were to be used on the estimated 40 billion chickens worldwide, 750,000,000 (40 billion x 3.281 per cent lost chickens to the industry because of no injections = 1,312,400,000; if vaccinated with Salmogenics, 40 billion x 1.406 per cent = 562,400,000 lost chickens to industry; 1,312,400,000 – 562,400,000 = 750,000,000) additional chickens would be saved due to the reduction in mortality. Multiplying this number by the 5.73 pounds of weight per bird as indicated by our study equals 4,297,500,000 more pounds of chicken available on the market. This additional available chicken equates to $3,996,675,000, based on USDA-cited wholesale prices. Added to the $4,687,200,000, as outlined in the previous paragraph, this total increases to a potential $8,683,875,000 additional revenue to the poultry industry.

"We are excited about the preliminary results of the trial studies. When extrapolating the weight gain with Salmogenics-vaccinated broilers, the reduced mortality of the bird, and the ever-increasing cost of chicken to the consumer, the potential of the Salmogenics vaccine on the poultry industry would have far-reaching impact," Dr Ghazvini concluded.

The Salmogenics vaccine is in its last stages of testing and trials before the final United States Department of Agriculture/Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) approval for its commercial application.

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