Moy Park Team Lends a Hand to Farm Africa
UK - Poultry processor Moy Park’s Chief Executive, Nigel Dunlop, and Group Finance and IT Director, Janet McCollum, are join a group of fellow food industry leaders to raise funds for Farm Africa’s ‘Food for Good’ campaign.At the end of April, Moy Park’s Janet McCollum will join an all-female team of 14 industry representatives to work alongside 16 local women farmers in Western Kenya as part of the ‘Dig for Good’ initiative.
The group will work to dig a fishpond – equivalent in size to a 300 square metre swimming pool - over a period of four days, helping to set the rural community up in fish farming as well as providing nutritious food for families.
Speaking about the challenge, Ms McCollum said: “When I first heard about the ‘Dig for Good’ initiative I jumped at the chance to get involved.
“By working directly with small-holder farmers, this pond will allow the local community to grow their own food and to also sell on the extra produce from the pond to help generate a household income.
“Working alongside these local women is a once in a lifetime opportunity and will help leave a lasting legacy for this rural community.”
In September, Moy Park Chief Executive, Nigel Dunlop, will don his hiking boots for Farm Africa’s ‘Food for Good’ campaign to take on the ultimate endurance test when he participates in the ‘Tanzania Highland Challenge’ – a unique off-road challenge which will see the team trek 135km of uncharted paths over six days in East Africa.
Nigel Dunlop, Moy Park Chief Executive, said, “The Tanzania Highland Challenge will be a fantastic experience and a great chance to get together with other members of the food industry in a totally different environment and all for a great cause.
“ As members of the food industry we understand the importance of food sustainability – it is vital we join together as a sector to raise awareness and funds for this worthy charity.”