Chicken and Egg Prices Have Doubled in One Year
INDIA - Chicken and egg prices rose by up to 95 per cent in different areas on higher feed cost in the 2012-13 fiscal year, according to Agriculture Minister, Sharad Pawar.“Average prices of chicken in different stations during 2012-13 have shown increase, ranging from 3.8 per cent to 95.5 per cent compared to 2011-12,” Mr Pawar said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha on Tuesday (7 May).
According to The Hindu, Mr Pawar said that one of the major reasons for increase in prices of poultry products is rise in the price of poultry feed and feed ingredients like soyameal and maize.
The Minister also said the government has not imposed ban on export of poultry items after the outbreak of recent Avian Influenza.
To curb prices of these items, the government had allowed duty-free import of oil cakes, used as animal feed, till 31 March. Import duty on maize bran has been waived from September 2012, he added.