Russia-US in Talks over Trade Resumption
RUSSIA & US - Talks are due to take place this evening (Monday 22 July) which could see the on-going row over the safety to US meat products and the use of ractopanine resolved.The talks between the head of the Russian veterinary authority, Rosselkhoznador, Sergei Dankvert, and the administrator for the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Alfred Almansi, could see the resumption of trade between the US and Rissia in pork, beef and turkey products.
The talks in the form of a conference call between the two veterinary authority officials are going to centre on the progress of the joint negotiations n trade resumption.
Exports of meat products from the US to Russia have been suspended because of Russian concerns over residues from the use of the growth promoting beta-agonist ractopamine, which is commonly used on some farms in the US.