Hong Kong Opens Doors to Mexican Meat, Poultry Imports
MEXICO - The National Health, Safety and Food Quality Service (SENASICA) reports that Hong Kong's Department of Food Hygiene and Environment has approved the export certificate for various meat and poultry products from Mexico.According to the terms of the health certificate, the meat entering into Hong Kong's markets must come from disease-free areas and establishments after federal inspection.
The achievement is a result of co-ordination between the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) and the Consulate of Mexico in Hong Kong, with the support of producers and the Mexican meat industry working to provide healthy and safe high quality meat products.
Enrique Martinez, chief of SAGARPA, said the aim is to strengthen negotiations with the nations of the Asia-Pacific region in order to increase Mexico's participation in those markets.