US Poultry, Egg Exports Continue on Record Pace for 2013

US - Although US poultry exports through the third quarter of 2013 continued on a record pace, growing marginally in quantity and value over the same period last year, combined exports of table eggs and processed egg products reached historical highs, according to trade data released last week by the Foreign Agricultural Service.
calendar icon 20 November 2013
clock icon 5 minute read

Total January-September poultry exports reached year-on-year records of 3.077 million metric tons valued at $4.152 billion, up 1 per cent and 3 per cent, respectively.

Combined US exports of eggs and processed egg products through the third quarter of the year, measured in shell-egg equivalents, reached 250.5 million dozen, up 28 per cent from the same period in 2012, while export value hit $245.61 million, up 33 per cent. Both export quantity and export value set year-on-year records.

September exports of US broiler meat (excluding paws) dipped by 1 per cent to 276,135 tons, while value rose by less than a per cent to $354.5 million, compared to September 2012.

Figure 1. US broiler (including paws) exports in January-September since 1990. [Source: USDA/FAS GATS database]

Cumulative January-September broiler meat exports (excluding chicken paws) reached 2.5 million tons, up 2 per cent, valued at $3.21 billion, up 4 per cent. Both export quantity and value set year-on-year records.

Exports to key markets for the period included Mexico, 484,958 tons, up 19 per cent; Russia, 213,316 tons, up 3 per cent; Angola, 148,256 tons, up 20 per cent; and Canada, 127,648 tons, up 0.2 per cent.

Shipments to other important markets included Cuba, 110,757 tons, down 1 per cent; China, 104,113 tons, up 59 per cent; Iraq, 120,613 tons, up 23 per cent; Taiwan, 68,099 tons, down 31 per cent; Georgia, 59,550 tons, up 1 per cent; and Guatemala, 59,082 tons, up 14 per cent.

September exports of US turkey meat slipped by 10 per cent from September 2012 to 30,052 tons. Export value, meanwhile, rose by 1 per cent to $59.9 million.

Cumulative January-September turkey meat exports fell by 4 per cent to 252,700 tons, while export value rose by 2 per cent to $496.8 million. Export value for the three quarters set a year-on-year record, while quantity was the second-highest ever.

Figure 2. US turkey exports in January-September since 1990. [Source: USDA/FAS GATS database]

The main reason for the dip in export quantity was a decline in exports of US turkey to the top market of Mexico. Shipments dropped by just over 3 per cent to 133,635 tons, which was offset by a rise in export value to $271.9 million. Shipments to China, the second-largest US turkey market, were 34,385 tons valued at $53.9 million, up 3 per cent and 4 per cent, respectively. Top markets included Mexico, China, Canada, South Africa, and the Philippines.

September exports of chicken paws fell by 19 per cent to 25,046 tons, while export value declined by 12 per cent to $31.1 million. Shipments of paws to mainland China decreased by 40 per cent to 12,978 tons, while exports to Hong Kong increased by 9 per cent to 8,947 tons.

Cumulative January-September paw exports fell by 17 per cent to 229,069 tons, while value dropped by 20 per cent to $279.7 million. China and Hong accounted for 82 per cent of US export quantity of paws.

Exports of US table eggs for September slipped by 8 per cent to 16.5 million dozen, while value declined by 13 per cent to $16.1 million.

Figure 3. US exports of table eggs and egg products (in shell egg equivalent) in January-September since 1990. [Source: USDA/FAS GATS database]

Cumulative January-September exports of table eggs were up 65 per cent in quantity and 71 per cent in value to 140.29 million dozen and $134.71 million, respectively. Top export markets included Mexico, Hong Kong, Canada, the UAE, and the European Union.

For egg products, September exports were $10.74 million, down 18 per cent from September 2012. Export value to Japan, the top export market for US egg products, dipped 12.7 per cent to $3.89 million. Export value to key markets of Canada increased slightly, while shipments to Mexico and the EU were down significantly from the September 2012.

Cumulative exports of egg products for January through September rose by 4 per cent to $110.89 million. Exports to top market Japan increased by 5 per cent to $35.62 million, accounting for 32.1 per cent of total US exports of egg products. Exports to Mexico quadrupled from 2012 to $28 million, while exports to the EU plummeted by 63.6 per cent to $12.8 million. While exports to Canada increased by 53.7 per cent to $9.5 million, exports to Hong Kong were up by 34 per cent to $2.9 million.

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