Egg Commission to Hold Vienna 2014 Business Conference
AUSTRIA - The International Egg Commission (IEC) has announced that the IEC Vienna 2014 Business Conference will be held at the Hilton Vienna Hotel, Vienna, Austria from 30 March to 1 April 2014.According to the IEC, attendees will be able to meet with leading decision makers and experts in the international egg industry.
To help ensure maximum benefit for businesses, conferences are organised to provide the optimum combination of business and networking activities.
Being part of IEC Vienna 2014 will enable participants to make contact with other key figures in egg-related businesses, while gaining invaluable insights and advice from worldwide speakers.
As part of the new look business programme, the Production session at IEC Vienna will be split into two topic areas: Feed and Genetics.
For the Genetics session, speakers include:
- Dr Ferry Leenstra - 'One day old males from layer strains, prevention, feed or food?'
- Professor Dr Rudolf Preisinger - 'Response of layer breeding to today's marketing and welfare demands'
- Dr Knut Niebuhr - 'Beak trimming, feather and injurious pecking in laying hens'
You can register online by clicking here, or click here to download a Delegate Participation form.
IEC Members may view an up to date list of delegates registered for this conference by viewing the online IEC Conference Directory.