Covenant Signed for Grupo AgriMex-Holanda - Gateway to Dutch Poultry Science

NETHERLANDS & MEXICO - A Dutch industry consortium Grupo AgriMex-Holanda was officially formed on 20 June, through the signing of a covenant between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherland Enterprise Agency and 11 Dutch companies.
calendar icon 26 June 2014
clock icon 3 minute read

Dutch Mexican consortiumThe Mexican Embassy in The Hague has also been present during the ceremony. The covenant has been signed for a period of three years.

Grupo AgriMex-Holanda has the main objective to participate actively in the Mexican animal production market, based on sustainable production and animal health, with a special initial focus on the poultry sector. In total, the Dutch government and the companies will invest through their active involvement together about one €1 million.

The companies that are part of Grupo AgriMex-Holanda are dedicated to different animal production sectors from breeding technics, feed, housing, transportation to manure management, water and waste management: PTC+, Schothorst Feed Research, Ottevanger Milling Engineers BV, Walinga, Inc., Dutrion North America, Ltd., Dorset Green Machines, Twinpack BV, Vencomatic Group, Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies, Excentials / Orffa, Marel Stork Poultry Processing.

Mexico is a country with a wide variety of opportunities for Dutch animal production companies, and especially for Grupo AgriMexi-Holanda, because of its large internal market and its growing export markets, a high level of production of especially poultry, eggs and pigs.

The signature of the covenant of Grupo AgriMex-Holanda implies a continued effort to take advantage of the agrifood sector of Mexico and to heighten the image of Dutch expertise and technology (the integrated Dutch Chain Approach) among the Mexican animal, particularly the poultry, production sector.

“We started with nothing, only an idea during the 2013 roadshow to combine our collective interests and experiences and do more with a permanent presence. In support of the vision generated in Mexico, the Partners here present put forth their personal and commercial commitments, prepared an Action Plan that provides an engaging and flexible framework, and are ready to execute this Covenant in all earnest. We also regards this document as a crowning conclusion of the dedicated and determined service received from the Office of the Agricultural Counselor at the Netherlands Embassy in Mexico. We are now ready to go forward on waters uncharted...” Grupo AgriMex-Holanda said.

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