UK Egg Industry Board Members Re-elected
UK - British Egg Industry Council (BEIC) office-holders have been re-elected, with Andrew Joret remaining as Chairman.Andrew Joret was re-elected as Chairman of the BEIC following the Annual General Meeting on 11 June.
The role of BEIC Chairman is held by the Chairman of the National Egg Marketing Association (NEMAL), to which role Mr Joret was elected to in 2012. He is also Chairman of the Lion Technical Committee, which is responsible for the Lion Code of Practice.
The BEIC also re-elected the Office Holders at the AGM. Elwyn Griffiths, representing the British Egg Products Association, continues as BEIC Deputy Chairman; Duncan Priestner, representing the National Farmers’ Union, remains BEIC Vice-Chairman; and Jeffrey Vergerson, representing the British Egg Association, is the BEIC Treasurer.
Mr Joret said: “It’s a great honour to be re-elected as Chairman and I’m delighted to carry on in the role. We face opportunities and challenges in the coming year – the benefits of eggs are increasingly recognised by consumers and opinion formers and there are opportunities to further increase consumption but the industry is also facing legislative challenges, particularly the possible ban on beak trimming.”
The British Egg Industry Council was set up in 1986 to represent the UK egg industry. Its members comprise the 11 major organisations concerned with the egg industry. It is funded by voluntary subscriptions.