Brazil Outlines Poultry Health Standards to Indian Meat Exporters
INDIA - Poultry meat exporting companies have been updated over the sanitary standards set for imports to Brazil.The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has issued a notice to exporters of poultry meat about strict sanitary standards laid down by the government of Brazil, reports FNB News of India.
The Brazilian ministry of agriculture, livestock and food supply (MAPA) has urged the Indian government to ensure that the poultry meat and offal products exported by the latter to the former adhere to the rules.
The products should have a health certificate, issued by an approved veterinarian in India. Brazil is concerned about infectious diseases and source-made contamination, which could lead to serious health issues.
An APEDA official said: “Brazil is India’s competitor in the international poultry market. Any changes in the rules could directly affect the global market. As India is an important player in the market, exporters should be aware of the changes and act accordingly.
“Brazil has taken some key decisions by raising the quality bar of poultry products,” he added.
The authority’s notification said: “The government of Brazil has announced sanitary requirements for the imports of poultry meat and poultry meat and offal products.
“These products can be imported by Brazil only if the consignments are accompanied by a health certificate, endorsed by an approved veterinarian from the Official Veterinary Service in the exporting nation.”
According to FNB News, the letter from the Brazilian government stated: “Stayed in a country, zone or compartment free from notifiable avian influenza and from Newcastle disease, as defined in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of OIE and recognised by MAPA, since birth or for at least the last 21 days before slaughter and were slaughtered in an approved establishment in a country, zone or compartment free from notifiable avian influenza and Newcastle disease; underwent inspections ante- and post-mortem by the Official Veterinary Service, and were free of any suggestive sign of disease.”