Second Newcastle Disease Outbreak in Southern Sweden
SWEDEN - A new outbreak of Newcastle disease has been confirmed in Swedish poultry, in the same area as the previous one.The veterinary authority sent an Immediate Notification dated 4 July to the World Organisation for Animal Helath (OIE).
The report outlines a new outbreak of Newcastle disease, which started on 3 July at Motala in the county of Östergötlands in the south-eastof the country.
The affected birds were housed 38-week-old laying hens in a flock of 16,300. There was a history of egg drop but no birds are reported to have shown signs of the disease. The flock has been destroyed.
A protection zone (3km) and a surveillance zone (10 km) are put in place around the farm. All other measures according to Directive 92/66/EEC are applied.