Are You Within Your Recommended Drinking Guidelines?

UK - Provision of adequate drinker space with easy accessibility for all birds is essential to aid optimum health and growth, according to Aviagen.
calendar icon 1 October 2014
clock icon 2 minute read
Aviagen broiler drinker height

Birds should have access to clean, fresh, good quality drinking water at all times.

Water consumption varies with feed consumption and with both environmental and water temperature.

Monitoring the ratio of water to feed intake is good management practice; changes in water consumption are an early indication of health and performance issues.

Water consumption should be measured daily using a water meter. As a guide, water to feed intake ratio should be between 1.6:1 to 1.8:1, depending on drinker type.

Adequate water storage must be provided on the farm in case of failure of the mains supply. Ideally, sufficient storage to provide 24 hours water at maximum consumption is required.

Complete water to feed ratios and water temperature guidelines can be found in the Aviagen® Broiler Handbook.

Aviagen broiler drinker height

Drinker heights must be adjusted daily with bird age. For nipples, birds should be reaching for but not stretching or straining to reach the nipple. Bell drinkers should be adjusted so that each drinker is level with the top of the breast by 18 days of age.

Provision of adequate drinking space for the number of birds must be assured (full guidelines can be found in the Aviagen® Broiler Handbook) and routine testing of water quality completed.

Next time you pause for refreshment, think “Am I within the drinking guidelines?”

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