Ross Asia Technical Association Holds Workshop in Malaysia

MALAYSIA - The Ross Asian team held a successful meeting in Melaka, Malaysia in response to strong customer interest and requests for more direct training and case study involvement in managing breeders and boilers.
calendar icon 13 October 2014
clock icon 3 minute read

The program was designed to work through and discuss the latest technical information and promote best management practices that have emerged to support the Ross® 308 performance at all levels of production.

Over 45 managers from customer companies in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan and India who represent a broad, rapidly developing region in the poultry industry attended the two day meeting.

Many of the attendees signalled their appreciation of the time, planning and resources required to manage an event of this nature. Comments included... “Ross Asia Technical Association meeting was very useful for the poultry production people in attendance.... I think it was a very excellent seminar which got right away to the key point of each topic and was informative for us all... very helpful and valuable, may suggest more time in the future on some areas.”

Organisers indicated that this was the first Ross Asia Technical Meeting in this format and given the customer enthusiasm and response to the mix of presentations, hands on exercises and problem solving that it will continue on a regular basis in the future..

“The tremendous attendance at the first meeting shows a confidence level that our customers have not only in our products but also in the Ross team. Having such a group of customers with diverse backgrounds using hands on exercises provided an excellent opportunity for people from different areas and challenges to exchange ideas and work together to solve problems,” commented Larry Blackstone, workshop facilitator and Ross Technical Service Manager, Asia.

Charlotte Rowney

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