Broiler, Turkey Welfare Research Pre-Proposals Invited

US - USPOULTRY is accepting research pre-proposals for the determination of the interaction of bird density and well-being in broilers and turkeys.
calendar icon 6 February 2015
clock icon 2 minute read

The USPOULTRY Board Research Initiative is requesting pre-proposals for the determination of the interaction of density and wellbeing in broilers and turkeys. Various countries and welfare certification groups have established guidelines on grow out density for broilers and turkeys.

These guidelines vary greatly and are not based on scientific study in commercial conditions. By better understanding the interaction of grow out density, animal well-being and production measures in commercial conditions, objective maximum density recommendations can be developed.

The areas of focus for the research will include objective measures for:

  • determining broiler or turkey well-being in a commercial setting
  • the determination of the effect of density on broiler or turkey well-being in a commercial setting and
  • the determination of the effect of density on production parameters in a commercial setting.

The deadline for pre-proposal submission is 24 April 2015. For more information, visit

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