Israel Reports Three Newcastle Disease Outbreaks
ISRAEL - Three new outbreaks of Newcastle disease have affected two farms and a backyard flock in the last few weeks.The veterinary authority sent Follow-up Report No.13 dated 14 February to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
It outlines three outbreaks of Newcastle disease confirmed at two commercial farms and in one backyard flock between 12 January and 8 February.
The two farms are in the Acco region of Hazafon. At the first, 30 of the 3,030 100-week-old table egg-laying hens in one pen died. The rest were destroyed. A flock of 6,000 78-week-old table egg was affected around two weeks later but they showed only a drop in laying rate. They have been destroyed.
The third flock to be affected was a backyard flock at Afar Qasem in Hamerkaz. There, eight of the flock of 15 birds died; the rest have been destroyed.