Mycotoxin Screening from Randox Diagnostics
GLOBAL - Randox Food Diagnostics explains how food producers can tackle the issue of mycotoxins to ensure international food safety standards are being met.A growing awareness of the issues surrounding excessive mycotoxin consumption has resulted in an increase in available screening technologies on the market.
Randox Food Diagnostics offers a range of market-leading screening tools for the qualitative analysis of mycotoxins, using both the unique patented Biochip Array Technology (BAT) and high quality ELISAs.
Randox’s cutting-edge BAT arrays allow fast, comprehensive and sensitive screening of all of the world’s most prevalent mycotoxins in arrays of 10, seven or three assays, as follows:
With a single 50-µl sample of feed, the user will obtain highly accurate quantitative results in under two hours. Sample preparation is straightforward: add solvent, vortex for 60 seconds and roll for 10 minutes, centrifuge for 10 minutes then dilute, meaning the sample is ready for testing within 20 minutes, with no need for Immunoaffinity Columns.
Using Randox BAT eliminates the need for costly single tests, and lowers the cost per sample, saving food testing laboratories time and money.
Using Randox Biochip technology provides labs the flexibility to test only those mycotoxins of concern. This means that test assays can be specified to screen for particular mycotoxins depending on factors such as storage or harvest conditions.
In external and internal studies Randox Biochip technology is proven to deliver no false negatives and less than five per cent false positives, with results showing close correlation to confirmatory methods.
Importantly, Randox participates in FAPAS, the largest and most comprehensive analytical chemistry proficiency testing scheme in the food sector, ensuring that screening methods are providing accurate test results.