International Egg Commission Announces Avian Flu Communications Network
GLOBAL - An exceptional group of people from across the global egg industry have agreed to be a part of the International Egg Commission (IEC) Avian Influenza Communications Network which is being launched this week.This Communications Network is being established as part of the IEC’s response to severe outbreaks of avian influenza in several major egg countries already seen in 2015, as well as during the recent past.
The Avian Influenza Communications Network is part of the IEC’s Avian Influenza Task Force of which there are two fundamental parts, the Communications Network and the Expert Group.
The aims of the Communications Network are to:
- provide a central international communications hub on avian influenza connecting all organisations that have relevant knowledge;
- be responsible for communicating information and best practices to IEC members and the wider egg industry;
- drive standards across the global egg industry to new levels of professionalism.
The aims of the Expert Group are to:
- deliver big picture practical solutions to combat avian influenza in the short, medium and long term;
- come up with practical ways of changing the industry to move beyond this threat;
- pursue the ultimate long term goal of eliminating avian influenza from the egg industry.
The IEC is in the process of finalising the Expert Group with invitations being issued shortly.