China Disputes EU's Poultry Import Laws at WTO
CHINA - A panel will be set up by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to investigate certain concerns of the Chinese government over the EU's poultry import regulations.China recently made its second request to the Dispute Settlement Body to establish a panel to examine this dispute, which concerns the EU’s modification of its tariff concessions on certain poultry meat products.
An initial request by China to set up the panel was denied by the WTO in June.
China claims that the tariff measures implemented by the EU are inconsistent with Articles I, II, XIII and XXVIII of the general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) 1994. China said that these inconsistencies result in discriminatory regulations for China when compared with the tariffs affecting other countries.
China said it hoped that, through the dispute settlement proceeding, the EU would adjust its measures and thereby address China’s concerns.
The EU said that its measures were in conformity with the WTO agreements and that it was ready to defend them before a panel.
The DSB is establishing a panel to examine this dispute. Brazil, Russia and the United States reserved their third-party rights to participate in the panel’s proceedings.