Concern Over Make-Up of Australian Animal Welfare Committee
AUSTRALIA - Farmers have expressed concern at the recently appointed Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC).Victorian Farmer’s Federation Livestock Group president Ian Feldtmann said the Victoria State government-appointed advisory committee lacks extensive livestock industry experience, and is too heavily weighted to “animal rights”.
“There is a glaring omission of the extensive livestock production industry and no balance in the committee make-up.
“Let’s not forget this advisory council is supposed to be about supporting best practice across animal industries. We believe there should be a key role for farmers, with on the ground experience to assist,” Mr Feldtmann said.
Further, Mr Feldtmann said the appointment of Animals Australia on the council simply raises more questions than answers.
“The RSCPA is a legitimate animal welfare group whose priority is the wellbeing of animals. On the other hand, Animals Australia are simply an extreme activist group whose intention is to ensure the farming of animals ceases at all costs.”
“The VFF take animal welfare absolutely seriously and are working with key bodies such as RSPCA and the Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) to ensure farmers always do the right thing,” he said.