Ceva Chairman, Marc Prikazsky outlines how the human desire to improve the lives of children will continue to fuel future innovation

Opening Ceva’s “C the future” Innovation summit ahead of Asia’s leading agricultural show, VIV Asia, Ceva Chairman & CEO, Marc Prikazsky said that the agricultural industry should draw pride and motivation from the work it delivers every day to protect future generations.
calendar icon 12 March 2019
clock icon 3 minute read

He drew attention to the need to improve education and public awareness around what people eat. 2 billion people are now classed as overweight or obese and often unaware that they choose too much of the wrong foods - what Dr Prikazsky referred to as the 3 S’s sugar, salt and sodas. Whilst, surprisingly, in a region with rapidly growing economies, 2 in every 10 children in Asia are stunted [1] (prevented from growing or developing to their normal levels). The predominant staples in the Southeast Asian diet, rice and other cereals, contain lower utilisable protein and are low or lacking in necessary amino acids and micronutrients, such as iron and B complex vitamins readily found in meat, milk and eggs.[2]

Turning to people’s general attitudes towards animal protein, he highlighted the fact that although food safety, quality, availability and price has “never been better”, that consumer confidence and trust in what they eat continues to fall.

To this end the Ceva CEO, encouraged producers to continue doing what they do best, focusing on:

  • Sustainable production of meat and eggs – producing more with less
  • Ensure the highest levels of Animal Welfare
  • Guaranteeing the safety of our food

He pledged that Ceva would continue to support its customers by delivering innovative solutions that encourage the shift to more preventative health programs based around improved biosecurity, vaccines and their application backed up by real time data and flock health monitoring.

In his closing remarks, Dr Prikazsky praised a group of young millennial, Ceva managers from the Asia region, who have launched a corporate social responsibility program, C our Future, that aims to draw more attention to the need to reduce stunting in Asia’s children, saying:
“We all have on our mobile phones, pictures of our children, partners, pets and families. They are the ones who inspire us everyday. As an industry we should all take great pride in what we deliver both for our children and the future of humanity in line with Ceva’s vision, Together, beyond animal health”


[1] Global Nutrition Report
[2] World Economic Forum White Paper: Meat: The Future series, Alternative Proteins

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