MPF shifts to virtual trade show and convention

The Midwest Poultry Federations cancels its face-to-face event and unveils a virtual trade show and convention for August 2020.
calendar icon 22 May 2020
clock icon 3 minute read

Out of an abundance of caution and concern for the safety and health of its attendees and exhibitors, the Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) announces that its in-person convention, re-scheduled for July, is cancelled. Instead, MPF will offer a complete virtual trade show and conference online on 12-13 August 2020.

MPF’s leadership team met several times last week to weigh its options and then brought the full board together to make the decision, which was unanimous.

Said MPF President Greg Nelson: “Given the current COVID-19 situation and the unknowns surrounding large gatherings, we cancelled the in-person convention in the best interest of the health of everyone involved in the show. We are, however, excited to announce the 2020 MPF Convention will move forward with a fantastic virtual platform.”

The virtual platform will showcase MPF’s education content and foster connections between exhibitors and attendees – all within a very robust, 3-D graphical experience where attendees will visit company booths in the Exhibit Hall, take in education sessions and chat with speakers, and even visit a networking event to interact with other attendees in real-time.

“The 2020 Virtual MPF Convention gives us a full trade show and convention component online – the next best thing to being together in person,” said Nelson.

Attendees who were pre-registered to attend the March face-to-face convention will be automatically registered to attend the virtual MPF event at no additional cost to them. (Ticket purchases for the MPF Unhatched concert event and A Slice of Learning lunch will be refunded in full.) If you haven’t pre-registered for MPF and would like to attend the virtual event, details for online registration will be posted on the Midwest Poultry website.

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