Diagnostic pathology webinar for poultry professionals announced
The Davis Thompson Foundation for the advancement of veterinary pathology will sponsor a new diagnostic webinarDiagnostic poultry pathology: from the necropsy room to the microscope, Part 2
Description: 1.5 hour webinar - 75 minutes of discussion about gross and histopathologic lesions of poultry diseases. Lesions will be described and correlated with the clinical disease. The etiology of some diseases will also be discussed. The discuss with be followed by a 15-minute Question & Answer session. This is a must-attend webinar for poultry health professionals who want to improve their skills in the diagnosis of poultry diseases.
Date and time: Friday, February 12, 2021 at 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. USA Eastern time
Registration is free. Simply click the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_z1jvah5cTwyb92iG-2HuKw?fbclid=IwAR2uzkzSGlRdFpAzU0smPe9PziiszUTfGxFJV-cbPPccZJ6RTL0MD457hx0
The mission of the C.L. Davis and S.W. Thompson Foundation is to further the international advancement of education in veterinary and comparative pathology. Through a variety of outreach educational programs, the Foundation strives to advance the study of the diseases of animals (veterinary) and the comparison of diseases manifested by diverse species of animals.