New Cobb white paper includes expertise for pullet rearing ventilation and light trap selection and installation.
The Cobb technical team is equipping the industry with new guidelines to improve pullet ventilation and the process of selecting and installing light traps in rearing houses. The newest white paper by Andrew Bourne, world technical services specialist, is a timely and important tool for industry professionals to review when designing, building, or updating ventilation systems.
“Our team understands that the choice and installation of light traps can be critical,” said Robin Jarquin, director of world tech services. “That’s why we are pleased to share this new expertise with the industry as part of our commitment to support successful broiler breeder management.”
Cobb continues to hear positive feedback from its customers about the quality and timeliness of its resources and support. This white paper is especially relevant now as the industry begins preparing for warmer weather and demand for higher air velocities in pullet rearing increases. It features critical information to consider when selecting and installing light traps, including:
● Criteria for comparing light traps and light filters.
● Tips for light trap choices and installation.
● Standards for rearing house air velocity and operating pressure.
● Information on how to size light traps.
“The expertise in these topic-driven white papers should be considered the best practices in the industry,” said Jarquin. “We know the industry finds them valuable, and they are some of the many ways Cobb supports customers.”
Other topic-driven white papers are housed on the Cobb website alongside technical articles, management guides, supplements, and more. To access these resources, visit