Cost of Hatching Eggs Could Reach New High in 2011
Work in hatcheries and on breeder farms has increased in value, said poultry economist, Mike Donohue, at the Hatchery-Breeder Clinic organised in conjunction with the International Poultry Expo (IPE) 2011 in Atlanta, US. He added that the cost per dozen hatching egg could reach new high this year.It was not that long ago when the industry average broiler hatching egg cost was around $1.30 per dozen, according to Mr Donohue, vice president, Agri Stats Inc. Addressing the audience at the 2011 Hatchery-Breeder Clinic held in conjunction with the IPE and International Feed Expo, he said that the cost per dozen hatching eggs has increased 54 per cent because of the increase in corn and soybean meal prices.
Hatching egg cost will come close to doubling per dozen later in 2011 as birds that have been raised on higher priced grains come into production. Mr Donohue commented that hatching egg cost could go even higher, since corn prices could reach $7.50 per bushel or more later this year.
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