Immune Responses to Eimeria tenella Sporozoite Protein as Vaccine to Broiler against Coccidiosis
A new study from Syria found two types of immune responses, humoral and cellular immune responses to sporozoite antigen which conferred effective protection to broilers against one of the pathogens causing coccidiosis.In International Journal of Poultry Science, Suhair R. Al-Idreesi of Damascus University in Syria and co-authors there and at Al-Baath University in Homs report that chickens were protected against coccidiosis induced by Eimeria tenella by using a sporozoite protein that was injected in the neck subcutaneously with two doses (25μg per chicken) at three and 16 days of age and subsequently challenged at 30 days of age.
The type of immune response to this vaccine was estimated during vaccination and after the challenge. Blood samples were collected at on days 7, 28 and 39 of age. The immunogenicity of vaccine was studied by using SDS-PAGE and Western blot.
Eleven polypeptides had been estimated more immunogenic after probing with immunised chicken serum at 39 days of age, their molecular weight were 149.5, 97, 72.9, 67.8, 63, 51, 38, 17, 13, 10.5 and 8 KD. Also, the levels of γ-IFN and IL-4 were estimated in the serum of immunised chickens by use ELISA kits.
The results were demonstrated two types of immunity cellular and humoral responses against E. tenella sporozoite vaccine, concluded Al-Idreesi and co-authors.
Al-Idreesi S.R., M. Kweider and M.M. Katranji. 2013. Immune responses to Eimeria tenella sporozoite protein as vaccine to broiler against coccidiosis. International Journal of Poultry Science. 12(10):582-589.
Further Reading
Find out more information on coccidiosis by clicking here.
January 2014