NIAA Solutions 2010
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA), which was held on 17 to 19 March 2010 in Kansas City, Missouri. The theme of the conference was One Health: Implications for Animal Agriculture.
Opening General Session
- One World, One Health: The global food basket - Dr Corrie Brown, DVM, PhD, DACVP, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
- The Genesis of One Health: What it's all about - Dr Roger Mahr, DVM, CEO, One Health Commission
- Past, Present and Future Veterinary Services' Roles in One Health - Dr John Clifford, Chief Veterinarian, USDA
- Environmental Health: How does One Health fit in? - Jay Ellenberger, Deputy Director, Field and External Affairs Division, Environmental Protection Agency
- How Will One Health Impact Livestock Producers? - Dr Harry Snelson, DVM, Director of Communications, American Association of Swine Veterinarians
- One Health in the Real World - Dr Billy Clay, DVM, MS, DABVT; Member, AVMA Council on Public Health and Regulatory Veterinary Medicine; Owner, Vetta Consulting LLC
Section I: Committee Seminars & Business Meetings
Animal care
- Ballot Initiatives: The Ohio experience - Mike Bumgarner, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation
- Welfare: The Husbandry-Health Link: The swine perspective - Dr James McKean, Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostics and Production Animal Management
- Welfare: The Husbandry-Health Link: A microbiologist's perspective - Dr Robin Anderson, USDA/ARS
- Welfare: The Husbandry-Health Link: The poultry perspective - Dr Pat Wakenell, Purdue University
- Welfare: The Husbandry-Health Link: The cattle perspective - Dr Ann Wilkinson, Pfizer Animal Health
Animal health emergency management
- Table Top Exercise Emphasizing Business Continuity in an Animal Health Emergency
Speaker: Bruce Spence, National Pork Board
Facilitator: Cleo Spence, National Pork Board
- Zoonotic Diseases Affecting International Trade - Paul Clayton, US Meat Export Federation
- Raw Milk Controversy in Wisconsin - David Ward, Director of Government Relations in Dairy, Cooperative Network, WI
- Current and Emerging Organisms in Raw Milk that Affect Public Health - Dr Purnedu Vasavada, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
- I've Never Seen a Cow with a Rash! What are Beef Measles? - Dr Jared Taylor, DVM, MPH, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
- Facts, Myths and Follies Regarding Agriculture's Role in Antimicrobial Resistance - Dr Jared Taylor, DVM, MPH, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
- A Dairy Producer's Concerns About Human Tuberculosis - Steve Maddox, California Dairyman
- Working Together to Battle Tuberculosis in Humans and Cattle - Ben Sun, California Department of Public Health
Session II: Committee Seminars & Business Meetings
Animal health & international trade
- Food Safety Issues for Salmonella in Pork - Dr Liz Wagstrom, National Pork Board
- Food Safety Issues for Salmonella in Eggs and Egg Products - Dr Patricia Curtis, Auburn University
- Systems-Based Approach to Assessing and Protecting Food and Agriculture - Kate Leese Burgers, MPH, James Lee Witt Associates
- FDA Regulatory Activities Associated with Salmonella in Foods - Dr Gerardo Ramirez, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Food Safety
- International Trade Limitations Caused by Salmonella Status in the US - Jon Caspers, US Meat Export Federation
Section III: Committee Seminars & Business Meetings
Animal identification & information systems
- The Critical Traceability Needs for the Future Tuberculosis and Brucellosis Programs: What happens when today's tools go away? - Dr Richard Breitmeyer, State Veterinarian, California Department of Food and Agriculture, President, United States Animal Health Association
- One Health: A multi-species perspective from an animal disease and food safety laboratory - Dr Anette Rink, Nevada Department of Agriculture
- The Future of Traceability in USDA's Animal Health Programs - Edward M. Avalos, Under Secretary, USDA Marketing and Regulatory Programs and Veterinary Services and Dr John Clifford, Chief Veterinarian, USDA
- Panel Discussion: Animal Agriculture Industry Input on New Framework for Animal Traceability
Industry representatives from various species and segments of animal agriculture will discuss questions and provide input to USDA representatives on the new direction of animal identification.
Emerging diseases
- Avian Influenza Update - Dr Patricia Wakenell, Purdue University
- H1N1 and Comprehensive and Integrated Swine Surveillance - Dr Liz Wagstrom, National Pork Board
- Update from the National Veterinary Services Laboratory - Dr Tom Bunn, National Veterinary Services Laboratory
- Bluetongue in Europe and Bovine TB Epidemiology in Northern Ireland - Dr Philip Robinson, Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, Veterinary Epidemiology Unit, Northern Ireland
May 2010