Vitamin Composition of New-generation Corn Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles

Researchers in the US have analysed six samples of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) from maize for eight different vitamins - one of the first studies of this aspect of the nutritional value of this feed ingredient.
calendar icon 14 April 2013
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As B. Jung of the University of Georgia explains in a paper in Journal of Applied Poultry Research, corn distillers dried grains with solubles (cDDGS) is a co-product of the production of corn-based ethanol. Researchers have extensively studied the energy, protein, amino acid and mineral composition of cDDGS; however, an evaluation of the vitamin content of the cDDGS has yet to be undertaken.

Conducted with co-authors from Huvepharma Inc. and DSM Nutritional Products Inc., the study aimed to determine the vitamin composition of cDDGS. In addition, correlations between crude fat and vitamin E (α-tocopherol) of the six samples of cDDGS were determined.

Crude fat and eight representative vitamins - vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E (α-tocopherol), thiamine, riboflavin, biotin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine - of cDDGS samples were analysed and the determined vitamin content was compared with the standard values of the US National Research Council (NRC).

The mean value of vitamin E (α-tocopherol) in the six cDDGS samples was 6.8mg per kg.

In addition, the mean values of thiamine and riboflavin in the six cDDGS samples were 7.7 and 2.3mg per kg, respectively.

The mean values of pyridoxine and pantothenic acid in the cDDGS samples were 3.5 and 10.9mg per kg, respectively.

On the basis of regression analysis, a positive relationship existed between crude fat and vitamin E (R=0.6677; P=0.1473) in the six samples.

These findings add to the information available regarding the vitamin profile of cDDGS and will assist in decisions made on the use of cDDGS in poultry diets.


Jung B., A.B. Batal, N.E. Ward and N. Dale. 2013. Vitamin composition of new-generation corn distillers dried grains with solubles. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 22(1):71-74. doi: 10.3382/japr.2012-00595

Further Reading

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April 2013

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