Eating out
UK - The huge increase in the popularity of eating out has generated an 80 per cent rise in the amount of meat used in this sector over the last 20 years.
This rise means the catering sector now accounts for 30 per cent of total UK meat consumption and it is still growing fast according to Meat Demand Trends, published by the Meat and Livestock Commission's Economics section.
Beef is in the lead in the profit sector (such as take-aways, restaurants and hotels), which accounts for nearly three-quarters of the market volume, while poultry has the greatest share of the cost sector (schools, hospitals and prisons).
Pubs and restaurants account for a third of the total volume and both are big beef users, particularly of the higher value cuts while hotels are the main users of lamb.
Pig meat, in the form of sausages and bacon is extremely popular in places offering all day breakfast, such as cafes and works canteens.
MLC Marketing Director Richard Lowe said: "As consumers' lifestyles have changed with more women in the workforce, longer commuting times and smaller household sizes, the demand for meals prepared out of the home has grown dramatically.
Source: National Pig Association - 5th January 2004