Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Thailand
THAILAND - A report via OIE, confirming the recent outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Thailand.(Disease never reported before to the OIE).
Emergency report
Information received on 23 January 2004 from Dr Yukol Limlamthong, Director General, Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Bangkok:
Date of the report: 23 January 2004.
Nature of diagnosis: clinical, post-mortem and laboratory.
Date of initial detection of lesions/clinical signs: 20 January 2004.
Estimated date of primary infection: 19 January 2004.
Location | No. of outbreaks |
Banlam Sub-District, Bandplamah District, Supanburi Province | 1 farm |
Description of affected population: laying hens aged about eight months in one ventilated house (traditional farming practice).
Total number of animals in the outbreak:
species | susceptible | cases | deaths | destroyed | slaughtered |
avi | 66,350 | 8,750 | 6,180 | 60,170 | 0 |
A. Laboratory where diagnosis was made: National Institute of Animal Health, Department of Livestock Development.
B. Diagnostic tests used:
- haemagglutination inhibition test,
- agar gel precipitation test,
- virus isolation.
- intravenous pathogenicity index test.
Positive results obtained on 23 January 2004.
C. Causal agent: highly pathogenic avian influenza virus type A, subtype H5.
A. Source of agent / origin of infection: under investigation.
B. Mode of spread: under investigation.
C. Other epidemiological details: the infected farm comprised eight houses, six of which were constructed over a fish pond. There are two other small layer farms nearby, but no infection could be detected in either of them. The farms are surrounded by rice fields.
Control measures:
- stamping out;
- quarantine;
- movement control inside the country;
- screening;
- zoning.
Vaccination is prohibited.
Source: Office International des Epizooties - 23rd January 2004