Hybro growing in a changing world

ASIA - The recent VIV Asia 2005 was an appropriate platform to prove to the world that Hybro is at the forefront of filling the need of the ever-changing broiler industry. As Hybro’s booth slogan puts it: “Hybro growing in a changing world”.
calendar icon 10 May 2005
clock icon 4 minute read
Hybro growing in a changing world - ASIA - The recent VIV Asia 2005 was an appropriate platform to prove to the world that Hybro is at the forefront of filling the need of the ever-changing broiler industry. As Hybro’s booth slogan puts it: “Hybro growing in a changing world”. Hybro

In response to the changing needs of the broiler segment of the poultry industry, Hybro has introduced its enhanced product portfolio to the market in 2003. VIV Asia was a perfect venue to herald the great news about these enhanced Hybro products, and the company could count with a lot of visitors from China, Thailand, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia and Malaysia, some of who signified their keen interest in Hybro breeders. Feedback from current customers and competitors alike regarding the ‘+’ products were very encouraging.

While the different Hybro products are performing in line with - and many times even exceeding expectations - the Hybro geneticists and the Nutreco Breeding Research Centre collaborate to further enhance the genetic potential of the birds. The latter and Euribrid have been the prime movers of the chicken genome project, which was Gerald Albers’ topic on the first day of the VIV Technical Seminars. “The advent of the GMAS”, Dr. Albers explains, “opens the way to custom-made breeding (CMB), whereby flocks can be developed for much more specific applications and environments than is economically feasible at present.”

Hybro customers not only get good products but a high-level technical service as well. The much-vaunted Technical Service of Hybro’s Asian team (A-team) endeavors to continually upgrade the capability of its customers’ technical staff. Thus, the 1st Counterparts’ Seminar Series debuted on March 14 and 15 at the Windsor Suites Hotel in Bangkok.

Dr. Solomon N. Benigno, Jr,. Technical Manager-Asia, the initiator of this event says: “The key success factors in the effective implementation of technical programs in the field is the high level of cooperation between our technical people and our respective counterparts. As the latter understand the principles behind the programs and are equipped with necessary tools, ultimately, we can expect to achieve better and more consistent technical results.” The seminar also aimed to develop a sense of allegiance among the counterparts towards Hybro thereby making the “influencing” of decision-makers easier.

A total of 16 delegates from Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and China participated in the first edition of the seminar. Relevant topics on genetics, incubation, brooding and breeder management were discussed by Gerald Albers, Ron Meijerhof, Sol Benigno and Rollie Valientes. The participants also used the sessions as a forum for interesting and lively exchange of practical experiences.

Overall, the seminar was well organized and it generated a lot of goodwill. Dr. Wimalasiri of Bairaha Farms, Sri Lanka says of the seminar: “It was excellent in terms of preparation, set up, content and program which included a night at the Thai boxing arena.” The A-team, however, is not one to sit on its laurels. The future editions of the counterparts’ seminar series will further be enhanced to remain relevant with the changing times.

As the saying goes, “The only thing constant in the world is change”. Cognizant of this truth, Hybro embraces change and sets the pace in the dynamic world of broiler breeding.

Source: Hybro - 10th May 2005

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