Nobilis Salenvac T - the first salmonella vaccine to fight two common enemies

UK - It is a well established principle that salmonella control in poultry requires a multi faceted approach. Control starts with the basic requirement of a salmonella free chick delivery, followed by the implementation of sound biosecurity practices (feed source included) and additional control options such as vaccination.
calendar icon 13 July 2005
clock icon 3 minute read
Nobilis Salenvac T - the first salmonella vaccine to fight two common enemies - UK - It is a well established principle that salmonella control in poultry requires a multi faceted approach. Control starts with the basic requirement of a salmonella free chick delivery, followed by the implementation of sound biosecurity practices (feed source included) and additional control options such as vaccination.

The effectiveness of a control strategy is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Vaccination has proven to be a valuable tool in reinforcing a salmonella control program. The success of Nobilis Salenvac, an inactivated salmonella vaccine, in reducing the incidence of S. enteritidis in poultry in the United Kingdom prompted Intervet to further develop the product. An additional strain, S. typhimurium, has been included making Nobilis Salenvac T the new trusted name in poultry salmonella control strategies. Nobilis Salenvac T induces broad protection against the most important salmonella strains infecting poultry and associated with food borne human Salmonellosis.

Nobilis Salenvac T is produced using IRP technology, a process that involves the growth of salmonella in an iron poor environment similar to that of the chicken's intestine. The resultant vaccine induces an immune response comparable to that of a field infection, and hence a more adequate level of protection against field challenge.

Nobilis Salenvac T is a well balanced vaccine that combines the benefits of IRP technology and a chicken friendly Aluminium Hydroxide Gel adjuvant. The result is a vaccine that induces a strong immune response against both S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium without adverse reactions at the injection site.

Visit for a wealth of information on salmonella as it relates to both human and avian health or for further information see

Source: Intervet - 13th July 2005

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