Ready-to-Cook Weight Down 4 Percent From Last Year
US - The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) comment on the poultry weights and slaughter levels in their monthly Poultry Slaughter Report.
Poultry certified wholesome during September 2006 (ready-to-cook weight) totaled 3.39 billion pounds, down
4 percent from the amount certified in September 2005. August 2006 revised certified total at 3.70 billion pounds,
was up 1 percent from August 2005. The August revision represented a decrease of 33.7 million pounds or
0.9 percent from last month’s preliminary pounds certified.
The preliminary total live weight of poultry inspected during September 2006 was 4.59 billion pounds, down
3 percent from 4.71 billion pounds a year ago. Young chickens inspected totaled 3.93 billion pounds, down
3 percent from September 2005. Mature chickens, at 62.1 million pounds, were down 8 percent from the previous
year. Turkey inspections totaled 584 million pounds, up 2 percent from a year ago. Ducks totaled 15.2 million
pounds, down 3 percent from last year.
Young chickens slaughtered during September 2006 averaged 5.52 pounds per bird, up 2 percent from
September 2005. The average live weight of mature chickens was 6.23 pounds per bird, up 7 percent from a year
ago. Turkeys slaughtered during September 2006 averaged 27.8 pounds per bird, up 2 percent from
September 2005.
Ante-mortem condemnations during September 2006 totaled 14.3 million pounds. Condemnations were
0.31 percent of the live weight inspected, as compared with 0.36 percent a year earlier. Post-mortem
condemnations, at 41.1 million pounds, were 1.20 percent of quantities inspected, compared with 1.26 percent a
year earlier.
September 2006 contained 21 weekdays (including one holiday) and 5 Saturdays, while September 2005 had
22 weekdays (including one holiday) and 4 Saturdays.
To view the full report, including tables, please click here (PDF format, 14 pages)
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