Microsoft to Fund Poultry Loving Humane Society
US - According to the Animal Agriculture Alliance, Microsoft will be making donations to the Humane Society of the United States.It involves a pilot program called the ''i’m Initiative.'' Whenever a Windows Live Messenger user has a conversation using i’m, Microsoft will give a portion of the program’s advertising revenue to one of 10 organizations that the user selects. HSUS is among the choices, and there is no limit to the amount of money that can be received.
Groups such as the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, have urged Microsoft to end its support of HSUS, but the company has passed on the idea. Tara Kriese, a Microsoft representative, says the program is “a great way to enable people to help causes that are important to them.”
"Apparently she missed the October 2006 statement from Miyun Park, HSUS’ vice president of farm animal welfare, who said the organization’s long-term goal for the egg laying and broiler chicken industry is, ''to get rid of the industry','' notes an Alliance spokesperson.
The agriculture industry's concern, of course, is that such a dynamo as Microsoft is teaming up with such a radical organization as HSUS. ''Clearly someone at Microsoft has not done their homework. Otherwise they would know that HSUS is just like PETA, but in a nice suit,'' says Kay Johnson, executive vice president of Animal Agriculture Alliance.