New Representative For Pas Reform in Sri Lanka
SRI LANKA - Pas Reform’s unprecedented international expansion continues in Sri Lanka, with the appointment of Mr. Palitha Balasuriya of BAP Agri (Pvt) ltd. as the leading Dutch hatchery technology supplier’s country representative.With eight years of experience in the Sri Lankan poultry sector, Palitha Balasuriya is a well known and respected figure in the industry, having represented several international poultry sector equipment suppliers.
Having gained his experience in broiler equipment, Palitha says he is looking forward to working in the hatchery technology sector. “The market is constantly changing, with the invention and introduction of new technologies”, he says, “In Sri Lanka, the mood now really is for advancement in hatchery operations, most notably to make the transition to single-stage incubation.”
The new Pas Reform hatchery installed by Fortune farms has, says Palitha, been hugely important to that transition, having proven to give superior results with single stage incubators.
Mr. Balasuriya will focus on developing the range and depth of Pas Reform’s commercial services in Sri Lanka.
“It is of enormous benefit to have someone of Palitha Balasuriya’s caliber and experience on our team in Asia,” concludes Pas Reform CEO Bart Aangenendt. “His knowledge and skills will be invaluable – both to us and to our customers. Our goal, as elsewhere in the world, is to grow in the Sri Lankan poultry sector. Palitha will play a key role in helping us to achieve this”.