International Egg and Poultry Review
US - The latest International Egg and Poultry Review from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the USDA, including an update of bird flu in Germany.Read the full document including all the tables here: International Egg and Poultry Review (pdf)
H5N1 Avian Influenza Update – Germany
The presence of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) H5N1was confirmed on June 24, 2007 in 5 dead mute swans and 1 Canada goose that were found at 2 lakes within the city of Nuremburg, Germany on June 22, 2007. The last reported outbreak in Germany was in Aug, 2006. Last year approximately 13 European Union (EU) member states had confirmed cases of HPAIV. The countries included Germany, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, France and Hungary. Poultry farmers in the area have been placed in a quarantine zone and are to confine all poultry to closed stalls and a 21 day ban has been imposed on moving poultry and poultry products in and out of the area.A second outbreak in Germany was noted south of Leipzig in Saxony State, where 3 dead swans were found. A quick test was used to establish the birds were infected with H5N1. Saxony State exterminated a farm flock in 2006 due to H5N1. German scientists have also confirmed the initial virus outbreak in the country had a common source with the virus recently detected in a turkey flock in The Czech Republic prompting the slaughter of 6,000 turkeys.
Even though Germany may not be 1 of the top 5 broiler producing states of the EU, they exported 80,000 metric tons (MT) in 2006 and are projected to export 85,000 MT in 2007, ranking them 3rd in EU exporting states on broilers. They are also fourth among the EU states in broiler consumption. Germany also ranks 2nd in turkey production, 1st in turkey consumption and 2nd in turkey exports in the EU.
Sources: USDA/FAS, Pro Med-Mail