Poultry Farmers Take On Herbs to Control Diseases
UGANDA - Farmers have embraced medicinal plants in treating poultry diseases. A research carried out by Makerere University in central and eastern Uganda revealed that about 80% of the poultry farmers know how to use medicinal plants to treat poultry diseases.Prof. Bukenya Ziraba from Makerere University Department of Botany, said the research, that was carried out in Mbale, Rakai and Mbarara districts, shows that many farmers were using medicinal plant to treat cough, diarrhoea, swollen eyes, mites worms and lice as well as Newcastle prophylaxis and coccidiosis.
Research found out that medicinal plant species like Capsicum frutescens (kamulali) and cannabis sativa (enjaga) were used in all the three districts, while Nicotiana, tobaccum (taaba), Aloe sp (lukaka) Vernonia amygadalina (omubirizi) and tagets mihuta (kawunyira) species were used in Rakai and Mbarara.
Bukenya says the most common way of preparation and administration of the medicine is by crushing the plant material, adding water and administering the concoction orally.