Chick Delivery Hatches Whole New Industry
IRAQ - Nearly 33,000 chicks raised in the Karadi hatchery were prepared for delivery this week. They will be making their way towards farms in Mahmudiyah, about 16 miles south of Baghdad, where they will begin a new phase in the local poultry industry.According to The Leaf Chronicle, at the end of a 21-day incubation period, 32,750 chicks were distributed among seven local farmers. The chicks represented approximately 94 percent of 35,000 original eggs, well exceeding the expected 90 percent survival rate.
"After eight to nine months of planning, this is the first step where all the chicken farmers see live chickens getting put into the entire chicken industry," said Capt. Benjamin Neusse, civil military operations officer for 3rd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division.
The day-old chicks were purchased from the hatchery and given to local farmers to kick start their businesses. Hatchery employees worked for hours separating the peeping chicks into trays of 100 to give to the farmers.