Zambian Poultry Industry to Receive a Boost
ZAMBIA - The government is to support measures to revive the poultry industry in Northern Province.The Times of Zambia reports that the Government has embarked on long-term measures aimed at reviving and supporting growth in the local poultry industry, Agriculture and Cooperative Deputy Minister, Albert Mulonga, has said.
Mr Mulonga said some of the measures were to revamp the Misamfu Regional Research Centre hatchery in Northern Province, which was targeted to produce more than 2,000 chicks per month.
He said the Government would ensure that it worked at stabilising power interruptions at the research centre to support the project.
The deputy minister said in an interview in Lusaka that the Government was taking seriously the diversification process aimed at developing different methods of agricultural farming and activities.
At least 50 million kwacha (ZMK; US$ 8800) would be invested in the project to revamp the hatchery as a starting point to reviving and supporting growth in the local poultry industry.
Mr Mulonga said the Government was sourcing funds to ensure that a long-term strategy was put in place as soon as possible to ensure that the project was a success.
More funds would be sourced so that the Research Centre was not affected by power interruptions by acquiring a stand-by generator.
Misamfu Regional Research Centre is primarily focusing on researching on fish development and mixed farming. The Misamfu hatchery closed down recently, following erratic power supply to the Research Center that consequently slowed down production of chicks.
Mr Mulonga said power interruptions at the research station has affected production of chicks and caused losses at the hatchery.
"The closure of that hatchery was due to power interruptions and now that electricity has stabilised, we will source for ZMK 50 million to invest in the hatchery," Mr Mulonga said.
The Government will now re-open the hatchery so that the people of Northern Province and surrounding areas could be supplied with poultry products.
The Zambia Agriculture Research Institute provides appropriate and cost effective services to farmers, generating and adapting crop, soil and plant protection technologies.
He told The Times that the hatching equipment is in good condition and the only thing needed was to revamp the centre by providing a stand-by generator in case of interruptions.