Poultry Prices Shoot up in Ukraine
UKRAINE - A survey has revealed that poultry meat prices went up by as much as 8.5 per cent during June to reach a maximum price of 19.45 hryvna (UAH) per kilo.Agro Perspectiva in Kiev reports that poultry prices have risen to UAH 17.7 to 19.45 hryvna per kilo in June – up between 0.3 and 6.4 per cent from May.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Economics was reporting a survey of prices at 20 regional markets.
Poultry meat prices in June slackened in four of the markets to UAH 17.68 to 18.83 per kilo – down 0.5 to 6.7 per cent compared to the previous month. The maximum and minimum prices – UAH 19.5 and 17.68 per kg – were reported for Sevastopol and Zaporizhia region markets, respectively.
In 24 markets, poultry meat prices in shops rose to between UAH 17.45 and UAH 18.78 per kilo. This represents increases of between 0.1 and 8.5 per cent on the levels in May 2009. The highest shop prices (UAH 18.78 per kg) was in Rivne region, whilst the lowest was in Khmelnytskiy (UAH 17.45 per kg).