CME: Higher Retail Prices for Meat Expected
US - It’s now official — the US and Russia have reached an agreement to permit the resumption of US poultry export to Russia, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.The agreement revolves around US efforts to inform US poultry producers about disinfectants and pathogen reduction treatments
approved by Russia and to inform Russian government officials and buyers about the various solutions used by US processors and which
poultry processing facilities are approved to ship product to Russian. Recall that Russian concerns about the use of super-chlorinated water
to disinfect US poultry carcasses were the drivers of this whole episode.
Russia has been the largest export market for US
chicken in all but one year (1999) since 1993 and imported 1.618
billion pounds of chicken in 2009. The largest share of shipments
to Russia are leg quarters commonly called “Bush legs” to refer to
the food aid sent by President George H.W. Bush in the late 1980s.
The low-cost dark meat and skin is used in a variety of ways in
processed meats. Shipments of lower-priced dark meat to Russia
and other countries has allowed US chicken producers to sell the
breast meat preferred US consumers at very competitive prices.
This preference for white meat drove the US chicken industry to
develop birds that produce a higher and higher proportion of breast
meat. At least one keen and respected industry observer, Dr. Paul
Aho of Storrs, Connecticut, believes this model is beginning to
change as Russia’s domestic industry grows. That growth
(protection of which was, to many, the real reason for all of the concern
over chlorine) will put pressure on US dark meat values and
pose challenges in moving breast meat at high enough prices to
carry sufficient whole-bird values. If Russia can indeed increase its
self-sufficiency for chicken, it could be a game changer for US
chicken companies. Whether they can pull it off depends largely on
the price of crude oil and there is still some doubt whether $70-75/
bbl. Is high enough to provide the needed cash.

Retail pork prices set a new record in May at $3.043/
lb. retail weight. That price was 12.4 cents/lb. (4,3 per cent) higher than
in April and eclipsed the prior record of $3.026/lb. set back in September
2008. May’s pork price was 3 per cent higher than one year ago.
The composite broiler retail price also surged in May,
gaining over 10 cents/lb. (6.2 per cent) to reach $1.755/lb., the highest
level since last September but still over 10 cents/lb. below the record
level of $1.857/lb. set in May 2009.
The average retail price for Choice beef rose 0.5 per cent to
$4.463/lb. in May. The May price is 3 per cent higher than one year ago
and is less than 8 cents/lb. lower than the current record monthly
average of $4.526/lb. set in August 2008.
Prices for all-fresh beef and turkey fell 1 per cent in May but remain
2.1 per cent and 7.2 per cent, respectively, higher than one year ago.
We still believe that even higher retail prices are coming
as higher feed costs, animal prices and wholesale values get
passed on to consumers.

ERRATA: If the average pre-report estimate for the US swine breeding herd (96.5 per cent of 2009) is correct, the breeding herd in Friday’s quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report will be 5.759 million head — virtually equal to the 1 March herd. We incorrectly used the all hogs and pigs average estimate (96.9 per cent) in our calculations yesterday. Sorry for the confusion but this number, we think, fits better with the sow and gilt slaughter data than did the larger herd mentioned in yesterday’s DLR.