Symposium on Alternative Systems for Poultry
UK - The 30th Poultry Science Symposium organised by the UK Branch of the World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA) will take as its theme 'Alternative Systems for Poultry Production'. The conference will take place in Glasgow in September 2011.
The Working Group of the WPSA UK Branch has announced the first details of the 30th World Poultry Science Symposium, which will be held at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland on 7 to 9 September 2011.
An exciting scientific programme is being planned to provide an excellent forum for education, discussion on the latest research and best practices in our industry, and an opportunity to network with your professional peers. This programme will consist of invited national and international expert speakers, invited papers and poster presentations, and will also be made up of 16 proposed chapter topics to include:
- What are alternative systems?
- Economic drivers to alternative systems
- The impact of legislation and assurance schemes on alternative systems
- The effect of alternative systems on disease and health of poultry
- How do food-borne pathogen risks differ with different system types
- Introduction to village (and backyard) poultry production
- Technology and programmes affecting village production
- Housing systems for waterfowl
- Gamebird breeding, brooding and rearing
- Breeding and rearing of laying hens
- Enriched cages for laying hens
- Extensive housing of hens
- Breeding meat birds
- Meat chickens and turkeys
- Nutritional challenges
- Genotype and environment interactions
You are invited to submit an abstract for either oral and/or poster presentation. All abstracts must be written in English. Your abstract must reach the Scientific Programme committee on or before 1 March 2011.
Critical dates
1 March 2011 Deadline for submissions for orals/posters
31 March 2011 Confirmation of abstract acceptance/rejection
1 May 2011 Deadline for any revised abstracts
Further details regarding submission and guidelines will become available on the WPSA UK Branch web site [click here].
On-line registration will be available from 10 January 2011 but if you would like to obtain further information regarding dates and programme for the 30th Poultry Science Symposium, please join our mailing list by clicking here.
For specific queries regarding registration, please e-mail [email protected] .
The symposium location
Glasgow, Scotland's largest city is one of the liveliest and most cosmopolitan destinations in Europe – a city of culture, a city of design, a city for everyone! Known as the 'Friendly City', thanks mainly to the warmth, vibrancy and energy of its people, this is the destination selected to hold the 30th Poultry Science Symposium.
Glasgow has a strong industrial heritage based on engineering and shipbuilding. Over the years, the city has reinvented itself, rediscovering its rich cultural roots and creating a new profile. In 1990, it had been elected European City of Culture, in 1999 it was honoured as the UK's City of Architecture and Design and in 2014, will host to the Commonwealth Games.
It also has a strong academic and scientific heritage with three excellent universities. It has produced a number of famous scientist and veterinarian 'sons' including John Logie Baird, Joseph Black, Willliam Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Alexander Todd, Thomas Cameron and James Herriot to name but a few.
The programme will be scheduled to enable delegates time, either pre- or post-symposium, to extend their stay to either enjoy more of the city or to travel slightly further to explore Edinburgh, Loch Lomond, world-class golf courses, whisky distilleries or the majestic scenery of the Scottish Highlands. All which are easily accessible from Glasgow.
For specific information about accommodation in Glasgow, please email [email protected] .
Sponsorship opportunities
The scientific symposium will offer sponsorship opportunities for commercial organisations. For further details and assistance, please email [email protected] .
Organisation & committees
The local Organising Committee comprises Dr V. Sandilands (Avian Science Research Centre, Ayr; co-Chair and editor), Dr P. Hocking, (Roslin Institute, Edinburgh; co-Chair and editor) and Dr K. McCracken (Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Belfast; Treasurer)
The Symposium secretariat is:
Congrex UK Ltd
30th Poultry Science Symposium
c/o 4b 50 Speirs Wharf, Port Dundas, Glasgow G4 9TH, Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 (0)141 331 0123; Fax: +44 (0)141 331 0234
For any other queries, please e-mail [email protected] .