Hy-Line Sudanese Distributor Held Technical Seminar
SUDAN - Recently, Al-Shaeed (Hy-Line International distributor in Khartoum-Sudan) conducted a successful seminar focused on food and egg production in Khartoum.Al-Shaeed imports and distributes Hy-Line W-98 into the Sudan. Currently, Al-Shaeed has earned a 30 per cent market share and has an excellent opportunity to quickly grow that business even further.
At the seminar, Al-Shaeed owner, Dr Ayad George, received a plaque recognising five years of partnering with Hy-Line International.
left to right: Dr Mohamed Salah (University of Khartoum, Sudan), Douglas Grieve (President, Hy-Line International), Dr Ayad George (Al-Shaeed owner and MD) and João Paula (Regional Business Manager, Southern Europe & Eastern Africa)