Petersime Incubators Controlled Via iPad
BELGIUM - Petersime incubators can now be controlled via iPad.The company has developed an iPad application for its IrisLink™ Command Centre user interface, which allows hatchery managers to control and supervise their Petersime incubators from any place and at any time, within or outside their hatchery.
Via the IrisLink™ network, hatchery managers are able to execute all commands and get all incubation status information from any location on the network. With the iPad application, this ease of access is brought to an even higher level, as it is now possible to log in and check the status of all your incubators whenever and wherever you want. The ease of use of the iPad fits well with the intuitive user interface of Petersime’s IrisLink™ Command Centre. Moreover, IrisLink™ uses the same interface as the display on the incubator, which makes extra operator training superfluous.
"Since I installed the Command Centre functionality on my iPad, I have been saving a lot of time as I do not need to get to my hatchery computer anymore," says Gudo Mollen, Hatchery Manager of Spoormans hatchery. "Actually, I feel better in control since I know that I always have all data at my fingertips."