Public Hearing on Planned Poultry Facility in Pennsylvania

PENNSYLVANIA, US - The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, 6 March, to receive testimony on stormwater discharges associated with the proposed construction of two poultry barns in the Big Spring Creek watershed.
calendar icon 28 February 2012
clock icon 3 minute read

The 7 p.m. public hearing will be at the Cumberland County Conservation District office on Allen Road in Carlisle, Cumberland County.

"DEP has received numerous requests for a public hearing from citizens wanting to voice their concerns about the potential for runoff and disturbance to water sources from the poultry barns," DEP South-central Regional Director Rachel Diamond said. "Those comments are valuable to DEP and will be considered with final review of the permit application."

The applicant, Lewis Martin, is proposing to disturb 8.24 acres to construct two poultry houses on his property in West Pennsboro Township, Cumberland County. He submitted a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit application, which is required to address the project's erosion and sediment control and post-construction stormwater management. The Big Spring Creek watershed is a trout fishery and high-quality stream.

During the hearing, the public will have an opportunity to present up to five minutes of oral testimony about the proposed permit. Written testimony of any length will also be accepted. The testimony will be recorded by a court reporter and transcribed into a written document. At the end of the 30-day public comment period, DEP will create a written response to all relevant testimony.

Those who wish to present oral testimony should contact Tim Fuller in DEP's South-central Regional Office at 717-705-4706 or register that evening prior to the hearing. Individuals in need of an accommodation as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act should call that number or the Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Service at 1-800-654-5984 (TDD).

For anyone unable to attend the public hearing, written comment should be submitted to Valerie Marx, DEP South-central Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg, PA 17110. The public comment period will close on 21 March.

Materials and supporting documents relating to the permit application may be reviewed during regular business hours by calling 717-705-4732 to set up an appointment.

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