Ross Asia Association Meets in Langkawi, Malaysia

MALAYSIA - At a time of economic challenge in Asia, the Ross Asia Association focused its annual meeting on ‘maximizing profit through customers’ success’ as a relevant and important theme for selecting speakers and subjects that would be interesting for attendees at the event.
calendar icon 30 November 2012
clock icon 4 minute read

Over 80 participants were present for the ninth meeting of the Ross Asia Association on 23rd to the 26th of October. The meeting was held in Langkawi, an island about 500 miles North of Kuala Lumpur, off the west coast of Malaysia, home to a growing poultry industry with 37Kg per capita consumption of poultry meat, one of the highest in Asia.

The two day meeting encompassed a selection of internal and guest speakers updating the association on Aviagen and the Ross 308 performance globally and throughout the region. These opening addresses were followed by an enlightening presentation on effective team management as a key difference maker in overall production performance of customers and a full review of China’s Broiler Industry, both the history and a look to the future.

Ross Asia Association meeting in Langkawi, Malaysia, 23-26 October 2012.

Day two commenced with a comprehensive update on the global feed and livestock situation, highlighting the impact of high grain costs on usage and the relationship to meat prices. This was followed by an insightful investigation from an experienced industry nutritionist on nutritional opportunities and pitfalls in a high priced feed market. Compartmentalization - a key concept and opportunity for the poultry industry to define high quality genetic poultry sources and secure future supply in times of disease challenge – was then presented with the emphasis that the concept has been awarded to all Aviagen facilities in the UK and is ready for immediate, importing country acceptance to ensure continuity of future supply. Achievement of compartmentalization for all Aviagen production facilities in the UK is an industry-first and a significant investment and ongoing commitment to bio-security for customers.

An industry economic analyst commenced the afternoon proceedings with his views on the current spike in commodity prices, differences to the 2008 commodity peak and a price forecast of important feed grains for 2013. The meeting closed with motivational speaker, David Lim highlighting his experiences leading up to and following his attempt on Mt. Everest and the impact on his future outlook and personal behaviour.

“I like the market orientation and outlook of the last 2 days, particularly the forecasts and genetic development update. It helps, along with the chance to talk with other business owners on assessing the future and potential impact on my market, “stated Mr. Koji Morinaga, President, Nippon Chunky.

“I have attended several of these Ross meetings in the past and enjoy the chance to mix with old friends and discuss many aspects of business. The meetings are well planned with good speakers and I make an effort to attend whenever they are held,” explained Mr. Sung Hwang Bae, President, Sam Hwa GPS Breeding Agri Inc.

“Ross Asia Association meetings are important events that bring regional customers together to discuss, exchange ideas and changes in the market,” commented Orapan Chansawat, VP Ross Asia.

“We invest a lot of time and effort into the planning and organization of these occasions and invite recognized key note speakers to share their views on many aspects of the poultry industry. Feedback this year has been complimentary and reconfirmed the value for our customers.”

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