New Video Shows How BC Chicken is Produced
CANADA - An educational video, which will provide consumers with factual information on how chicken is produced in British Columbia, is receiving Buy Local program funding.The BC Chicken Growers' Association will receive $15,500 to help with the cost of producing the short movie and the literature to support it. The video will showcase BC family-run chicken farms and the responsibility and care they take in ensuring animal welfare, bio security, food safety and the environment.
The video will debunk several myths, including:
Myth - BC chicken producers use hormones and steroids.
Fact - the use of hormones and steroids in the production of chicken is illegal in Canada and has been since the 1960s.
Myth - BC broiler chickens are raised in cages.
Fact - They are not raised in cages. They are free-run and have free access to feed and water.
The poultry industry is the second-largest agricultural industry in British Columbia with farmers generating just under half a billion dollars in total combined revenues in 2011. The chicken produced in BC is popular both locally and internationally. Asia is a key market. The Philippines was the biggest importer, receiving more than $10 million in BC chicken products.
The Buy Local program offers successful applicants matching funds up to $100,000 to launch or expand local food marketing campaigns.
Building the local market for BC foods is a key commitment of government's Agrifoods Strategy. A component of the BC Jobs Plan, this strategy is designed to continue to grow the agrifoods sector into a $14-billion-a-year industry by 2017.
The provincial government's Buy Local program is administered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC.
Minister of Agriculture Norm Letnick said: "Our hard working BC chicken farmers are located throughout province and their high-quality product is consistently in the top five commodities in terms of farms sales each year in BC. I congratulate the BC Chicken Growers' Association on receiving this funding and look forward to seeing the video when it is finished, as they have a great story to tell."
BC Chicken Growers' Association president Ravi Bathe said: "The BC Chicken Growers' Association is grateful for the support from the BC government under the Buy Local program. This project will showcase our BC family-operated chicken farms and promote the fact we raise the highest-quality chicken in the world without the use of hormones or growth promotants. BC chicken is a healthy food choice and a very good protein source."