MSD Animal Health Shows Strong Presence at WVPA XVIII Congress
FRANCE - "Convenience of process and performance improvement" was the focus of the satellite symposium organized by MSD Animal Health, as part of the World Veterinary Poultry Association XVIII Congress, held from 19-23 August, in Nantes, France. As part of this symposium, MSD Animal Health introduced the company’s proprietary "Convenience" and "Go Beyond" programmes.The MSD Animal Health "Convenience Programme" is engineered to efficiently protect birds against respiratory diseases through the convenience of a hatchery approach that delivers improvements in process and performance. The shorter life-cycle broilers requires the implementation of as many immunizations as possible in the hatchery, maximizing the benefits from a well-controlled mass application process; reducing labor requirements; minimizing early post-vaccination reactions; delivering solid protection from an early stage; and, avoiding the need to further disturb the chickens during the growing period. Innovative and science-based health solutions are the key drivers along with leading bronchitis vaccines Nobilis® 4/91, Nobilis® Ma5 and the recombinant INNOVAX® franchise are the key differentiators of the "Convenience Programme".
At MSD Animal Health, respiratory disease control is more than convenience. To them, it is about efficacy and superior performance.
The "Go Beyond" programme brings solutions beyond disease control, enhancing chicken health, enabling more animals to grow to their full potential through innovative approaches. The programme utilizes economic and sustainable tools to cope with the increased demand for quality and safe animal protein production, highlighting sustainable year-round coccidiosis control programmes through leading coccidiosis vaccines Paracox® and Coccivac® as well as an efficient microbiota management programme supported by Enradin®and Aviguard®. Customer centricity drives the "Go Beyond" programme and can be summarized in three major strategies: production cost reduction, flock uniformity enhancement, and carcass quality improvement.
MSD Animal Health participation in the WVPA XVIII Congress was a step forward to build the vision and expertise to provide innovative solutions to the world’s biggest animal health challenges.