Mexico Leading the Way on Satellite, Drone Use in Agriculture
MEXICO - Mexican officials say the country is at the 'forefront' of technology use in agriculture and fisheries, allowing a more precise analysis of the sectors.The drones and satellites have been used to strengthen monitoring of fields and seas in order to have timely and reliable information on the performance of the primary sector, according to Patricia Ruiz Ornelas, the director in chief of the Agricultural Information and Service Fisheries (SIAP).
Speaking at the conference 'Geospatial Solutions for the Agrifood Sector', Ms Ornelas said that the data was collected for use in planning the future of the the food industry by the Secretariat for agriculture and fisheries (SAGARPA).
Javier Aguilar Vicente Lara, also from SIAP, explained how the technology is used, saying that the licence agreement allows the agency to provide enough images to federal, state and municipal governments, to have a daily satellite monitoring of agricultural land and fishing areas.
Images obtained from drones and satellites are combined with data from other departments, to get specific data for each region. The data is then analysed by experts in geographic data management and interpretation, agriculture and geology.
The data collected by SIAP can be used to provide timely care to producers and take preventive and mitigating measures in case of weather contingencies, said the SAGARPA delegate Ernesto de Lucas Palacios.
He added that the technology helps in defining the agricultural area and crop planning in order to ensure adequate production, avoid volatility in the markets and help create a productive, profitable and sustainable sector.