Novus Announces 2015 Outstanding Scholar and Teacher at PSA Annual Meeting
US - Outstanding Scholar awards during the Poultry Science Association (PSA) Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky.Novus International, Inc. recently honoured the 2015 recipients of the Novus Outstanding Teaching and Dr David Ledoux, Professor of Animal Nutrition at the University of Missouri, and Dr Wallace D. Berry Jr, Associate Professor of Poultry Science at Auburn University, are this year’s award recipients.
Each year, Novus recognises two individuals for their outstanding scientific contributions to the poultry industry. Both awards affirm Novus’s commitment to fostering future talent and ongoing scientific study.
“The future of the poultry industry is dependent upon the scientific endeavors of today’s influencers,” notes Dr Mercedes Vazquez-Anon, Senior Director, Animal Nutrition, Research and Facilities for Novus.
“We are counting on these individuals to spearhead the next generation of scientific discovery because science is what drives the continued growth, development, and ultimately the success, of the poultry industry.”
Kendre Stringfellow, Poultry Technical Services Manager at Novus International, presented Novus’s Outstanding Teaching Award, a $2,000 prize, and a custom-made, engraved glass award to Dr Berry during the PSA awards celebration in honour of his accomplishments.
Novus’s Outstanding Scholar Award recipient, Dr Ledoux, could not attend, however Dr Chris Knight accepted the custom-made, engraved glass award on his behalf at the annual Novus PSA cocktail party.
In addition to honouring the two award recipients, Novus hosted a special presentation at its annual PSA cocktail reception to commemorate the retirement of Dr Chris Knight, former Senior Vice President of Product & Solutions and Chief Innovation Officer at Novus.
“Dr Knight’s contribution to the animal nutrition industry is immense - not only in terms of innovation, research and product development, but also through his dedication to the next generation of scientists,” commented Scott Hine, Vice President, Products & Solutions and Chief Innovation Officer at Novus.
“His passion for education is reflected in the many scholarships he has organised and interns he has trained throughout his career. Dr Knight’s unique blend of sound science and sharp business acumen, while never forgetting the human element, will be difficult to replace.”
For more information about Novus activities at PSA, or to view the research abstracts presented at the annual meeting, visit