More Brazilian Plants to Export Chicken Meat to Malaysia
BRAZIL - Four new Brazilian slaughterhouses recently qualified to export chicken meat to Malaysia, with industry estimates suggesting they may sell $35 million a year to the Asian country.With the additional slaughterhouses, the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) expects Brazil to export 15,000 tonnes a year, representing 31 per cent of the 48 000 tonnes imported by Malaysia.
Enabling the four new plants is the result of a mission from Malaysia to Brazil in March 2014. Since then, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) has been concentrating efforts to proceed negotiations and expand into the market of that country, considered important for Brazilian agribusiness.
Secretary of Agribusiness International Relations, Tatiana Palermo, said that contact with the Malaysian government has intensified.
"After several discussions, which have intensified this year, today we received the good news of enabling exports from four establishments.
"We will work to enable other plants, adapting them to the strict standards of halal slaughter (how animals must be slaughtered for consumption by Muslims) required by health authorities in Malaysia," said the secretary.